Feeling Really “Over It”

So, as I mentioned last week, I met with the surgeon on April 23rd and at the appointment, I was scheduled for surgery. It was easy to get a date for surgery and QUICK too. Yikes, May 13th! That left me with 5-6 days before starting the two week full liquid diet. In the 2-3 weeks prior to getting the date, I had been feeling really tempted by a lot of bad food. I don’t know why, but I really found myself starting to subscribe to the idea that I should have “food funerals” in the few days leading up to the pre-op diet. I wasn’t feeling like I wanted to pig out, but I just wanted to not worry about it for a few days…. and basically get lazy lol. BUT, I found that it wasn’t as great as I thought it would be! Continue reading

A Tear Filled Afternoon

WOW…. what a day today has been. Upon completing all of the requirements of the six month supervised diet for weight loss surgery (VSG), I was scheduled to meet with the surgeon for the first time. Finding a time to fit this appointment into my schedule was tough; however, I knew if I wanted to have surgery within the timeframe that I had blocked off for work (mid-May to mid-June), then I had to have the appointment with the surgeon as soon as possible. It is at this appointment that my weight management clinic actually schedules you for surgery. Continue reading

“This Time Feels Different”

I had another appointment with my therapist today. Therapy is NOT something that is required by my insurance company or by my weight management doctor in order to be approved for weight loss surgery (the vertical sleeve gastrectomy); however, I felt as though I was taking great strides towards making myself physically healthy and I think that mental health is just as important. I started to see the therapist in order to work through things that have been plaguing me for years – some of which trigger me towards eating. Continue reading


Yesterday afternoon, I completed my psych evaluation that is required by my insurance company and the weight management clinic in order to have the Vertical Sleeve Gastrectomy (VSG) weight loss surgery. Usually the psych evaluation is something that you do a little bit earlier; however, the scheduling of the evaluation was tough and it turns out that it was the LAST thing I had to do on the checklist. Continue reading

A Long (and Hard) Fall Off the Wagon

Ugh….. I just cringe at the title of this post because it’s depressing to me. Since November 20th, I have been 100% on plan for eating and yesterday I had a long and hard fall off the wagon. I guess it could have been worse, but it certainly should have been much better and I’m still trying to wrap my head around why I let it happen. Here’s the backstory…. Continue reading

Second Supervised Diet Milestone Reached!! (Ok… I’m Cheating a Little…)

When I first started the six month pre-op supervised diet imposed by my insurance and the local weight management clinic, I decided to really dedicate myself to losing as much weight as possible. I thought… why wait until surgery to really start losing some weight! Although I was only required to lose 44 lbs, I have lost a lot more. On March 9th, I hit my first goal of losing 70 lbs and getting down to 375 lbs. At that time, I set a new goal of 360. The results are in….. Continue reading